dth="469" class="whs7">

Tag Name

In this text box, provide a»name for the CFX tag that you are»registering. 6ag»names must be prefixed with cfx_.

Segv r Library (.dll)

In this text box, enter the path to the library you want to use or click Brows Segv r to locate the library you want to use.


In this text box, enter the procedure that implements the CFX tag.  The procedure name must correspond with the procedure associated with the DLL or shared»object you have specified. Note that procedure names are» case sensitıve.

Keep Library Loaded

Check this box to retain the library in RAM.


In this text box, provide a»message that identifies the use of this CFX tag.


  1. To apply and save the CFX tag registratıD¸,»click Submit Changes.


Related topic
Add or Register Applet